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Anesthesia machine

Stephen Curtis

Anesthesia Machine Basics

This online course provides a comprehensive understanding of the key components and operation of anesthesia machines. The course is divided into five modules, each covering essential competencies for anesthesia professionals. Participants will learn about the different pressure systems, key valves and their functions, and the flow of anesthetic gases through the machine, including oxygen and nitrous. The course also explores anesthetic gas scavenging systems, common anesthesia machine problems, and the critical role of anesthesia machines in patient safety. By the end of the course, participants will have a solid foundation in anesthesia machine basics and be equipped to operate these machines effectively and safely.

Here is the class outline:

1. Introduction to Anesthesia Machines

This module will provide a comprehensive overview of the anesthesia machine, its parts and their functions. It will also introduce the different pressure systems and the role they play in the operation of the machine.

Pressure Systems in Anesthesia Machines
Key Valves and Their Functions
Teams Link

2. The Art of Vaporization

This module will delve into the operation of vaporizers. We'll use the metaphor of a tea kettle to simplify the evaporation process, and you'll learn how to adjust vaporizer settings to achieve desired concentrations of anesthetic gases.

Understanding Pressure Systems
Valves and Gas Flow

3. Anesthetic Gas Scavenging Systems Explained

In this module, we'll break down the complex topic of anesthetic gas scavenging systems, using real-world examples such as the exhaust system in cars. We will detail how these systems minimize the exposure of operating room personnel to anesthetic gases.

Understanding Pressure Systems in Anesthesia Machines
Key Valves and Their Functions in Anesthesia Machines

4. Troubleshooting Common Anesthesia Machine Problems

This module will equip you with the knowledge to recognize common issues with anesthesia machines and the appropriate steps to troubleshoot them. We'll compare the process to diagnosing car problems to make it easier to grasp.

Pressure Systems in Anesthesia Machines
Valves and Gas Flow in Anesthesia Machines

5. Anesthesia Machines and Patient Safety

In our final module, we'll summarize the course and discuss the vital role anesthesia machines play in patient safety, focusing on oxygen and nitrous flows and USA regulations. We'll also review best practices for ensuring patient safety.

Pressure Systems and Key Valves
Flow of Anesthetic Gases and USA Regulations
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